Hi, my name is Sadie Mauer. I’m so excited to join the team at Winslow House! I grew up in Vinton, Iowa. I graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a degree in Long-Term Administration. For the last year, I’ve been at the Gardens of Cedar Rapids. First as...
Happy March from the Activity Department! Throughout March, we celebrate Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, St. Patrick’s Day, the first day of spring, and National Social Work month. It is also Daylight-Saving time beginning on March 13th. Spring forward by setting your clocks ahead by one hour! For St. Patrick’s Day,...

Dietary Updates

Melvin Pexa Delores “Dee” Hunt Thomas “Tom” Van Woert
Resident Birthdays Janet Beeghley West – March 29 Joan Greene – March 31 Staff Birthdays Timothy Hildenbrand – March 25
Kathy Walker – 3/21/2001
Jolie Harryman – Dietary Keyna Hensley-Sykora – Dietary Wildade Jerome – CNA Rose Lathrop – Housekeeping Tammie White – Laundry Hillary Kigen – Registered Nurse Sadie Mauer – Administrator
We want to extend our gratitude to all that have graciously donated or volunteered your time and talents. We appreciate your generosity and thank you all! Mount Mercy University Service Club & Sustainability Scholars Linn-Mar High School Students of Laura Vaske Barb & Tom King Harold Gray Dave Cork Neil...