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Thank You
We want to extend our gratitude to all that have graciously donated or volunteered your time and talents. We appreciate your generosity and thank you all!
Barb & Tom King
Harold Gray
Kathy and Ruger
Sandy and Remy
Cedar Valley Humane Society
Betty Debban
Tom & Theresa Anderson
Dony Paxton
Cyndy Wiseman
Barb Passick
Janet Webster
Diane Lawrence
Amy Finley
Cards from Jackie
Penny & The Y Ladies
Connie’s Quilts & Friends
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Bethany Lutheran Church Women’s Guild
Rick Blackwell & Cedar Rapids Surge Volleyball Group
Amy Meyer & Community Homeschool Group
Cindy Lundine & Petal Pushers Garden Club
Betty Lietz & First Lutheran Church Comfort Makers