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Thank You
We want to extend our gratitude to all that have thought of Winslow House during the Holidays, and throughout the year, you have brought joy to many! Thank you all for your generosity.
Keith Lindberg
Kenny Lindberg
Rick Blackwell and the Cedar Rapids Surge Volleyball Club
Prairie Union Wildcats 4-H Club
Connie’s Quilt Shop Staff & Friends
Philip and Lorrie
Connie Van Woert
Evelyn Beck
Diana Zrudsky
Barb Passick
Harold Gray
Xene Abraham
Barb & Tom King
Kathy and Ruger
Sandy and Rem
Cyndy Wiseman
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Bethany Lutheran Church Women’s Group
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Baptist Church Sing-along
And the many others from our community that sent letters and gifts to brighten the residents’ days!