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Winslow House Herald: February 2021
Happy February! Throughout the month of February, we will be celebrating Groundhog Day, Superbowl Sunday, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Mardi Gras, and Random Acts of Kindness Week by writing greeting cards, playing themed bingo games, trivia, crafts, and having happy hour on National Margarita Day. Residents will be able to...
I am pleased to say our first COVID-19 immunization clinic went well and most residents had only a few sore arms. Thank you to all that assisted with the clinic and helped it run smoothly. Our next immunization clinic for the second round of COVID-19 vaccinations will be on February...
Phyllis Hughes
Resident Birthdays Nancy Lake – February 7 Jo Ann Kramer – February 10 Millie Heiar – February 10 Thomas Van Woert – February 17 Dee Hunt – February 17 Staff Birthdays Donna Broadnax – February 5 Dell Mills – February 20
Davidetta Gbartoedor, CNA – 2/10/2020 Ashley Shanahan, CNA – 2/11/2020 Jessica Porter, CNA – 2/28/2020 Leah Hufendick, Laundry – 2/28/2020
Kanisha McCune, Housekeeping – 1/8/2021
We want to extend our gratitude to all that have graciously donated or volunteered your time and talents. We appreciate your generosity and thank you. Barb Passick Harold Gray Xene Abraham Barb & Tom King Kathy and Ruger Sandy and Rem Cyndy Wiseman St. Joseph Catholic Church Bethany Lutheran Church...