Hello, I am the new Administrator here at Winslow House, and I am so excited to be here! I am eager to get to know the residents as well as their families and support systems. As we can have scheduled visits, I am very excited to try and meet you...
Happy April! With Spring finally upon us we are looking forward to nicer weather where we will be about to go outside more often! What a year it has been; we have all been through a lot to say the least. I am thrilled to announce Clergy is now allowed...
Even though we are still socially distancing, it is good to see residents in the common area enjoying somewhat of “normal” activities, having fun and interacting. It was great news to hear the activity department is now allowed to have some clergy come back into the building again. Hallelujah! Thank...
The new Spring and Summer menu will begin in April. We are looking forward to more fresh fruits and a variety of salads. We will also be grilling out more! I will keep everyone posted on when that will begin. Kiana McCune, Dietary Supervisor
Resident Birthdays Roberta McBurney – April 3 Leone Geary – April 8 Wayne Krumbholz – April 21 Antokan Daniel – April 21 Dominick Masi – April 22 Staff Birthdays Dylan Scharnau – April 4 Laurie Haack – April 7 Victoria Pewee – April 8 Davidetta Gbartoedor – April 28
Laura Roling – 4/18/2012 Hawa Darbro – 4/18/2012 Alicia Aguiar – 4/2/2017
Bridget Martin, Administrator – March 1 Mary Estes, CNA – March 16
We want to extend our gratitude to all that have graciously donated or volunteered your time and talents. We appreciate your generosity and thank you. Cindy Lundine and the Petal Pushers Garden Club Neil Rohlena Dony Paxton Cyndy Wiseman Barb Passick Harold Gray Xene Abraham Barb & Tom King Kathy...